The Ministry of Labor of the Republic of Cyprus announced changes in the employment regulations for students from third countries. International students studying in the faculties of Information Technology and Web Design will now be able to work in areas such as:
- programming assistants,
- systems analysts,
- software designers,
- website designers, and multimedia designers.
To qualify for employment, students must submit the following documents to the Department of Labor:
- residence permit (student visa),
- an employment contract with an employer,
- a certificate of full-time study in an educational institution recognized by the Ministry of Education of Cyprus,
- study and work schedules.
International students who have graduated from Cypriot colleges and universities have the opportunity to stay in the Republic of Cyprus for another year after completing their studies. This time can be used for employment or to start their own business in the field corresponding to their qualifications. However, the prerequisites are a Master's degree and sufficient financial means to reside in Cyprus.
These changes open new opportunities for international students, allowing them to put their knowledge into practice, build professional experience and contribute to the development of the Cypriot IT industry.