Cyprus Life | News category Education


Cyprus expands employment opportunities for foreign students in the IT sector

The Ministry of Labor of the Republic of Cyprus announced changes in the employment regulations for students from third countries. International students studying in the faculties of Information Technology and Web Design will now be able to work in areas...

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Education in North Cyprus

Education in North Cyprus is one of the most attractive and accessible in the whole world. There are 4 levels of education in North Cyprus and it works according to the British system. The first stage is kindergartens, private and public. In many kinderg...

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Shenkul: "New Kyrenia in a new era"

5 regional universities signed a protocol on cooperation with the municipality of Kyrenia. The signed protocol has been described as the first time universities have gathered under one roof. A protocol of cooperation was signed between the municipality of...

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Training course for guides

Deputy Prime Minister, Ministry of Tourism, Culture, Youth and Environment announced the organization of a semester training course for guides within the framework of the Department of Tourism Promotion and Marketing. This innovation will have a positive...

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