TRNC President Ersin Tatar spoke about the solar energy park, which is planned to be created in the buffer zone. "Today we have taken an important step in the gradual transition from fossil fuels to solar energy.  I was one of the chairmen of the talks we had with the United Nations, the European Union and the  Greek Cypriot side. It was decided to start building a 30/50 MW photovoltaic park in the buffer zone for the maintenance and management of both sides. The goal of the project is to convert solar energy into electricity and use that energy when needed.  by storing it in batteries. Today we held the first meeting with our expert committee, consisting of three people who will participate in the preliminary feasibility study, with the participation of Mr. Olgun Amcaoglu, Minister of Economy and Energy. Three experts from both sides will oversee the pre-feasibility study, which will be carried out by an international company provided by the EU. Electricity continues to be a problem for both parties. The most important advantage is  The island of Cyprus is infinite solar energy. The goal of the TRNC is to switch to green energy as quickly as possible, using solar energy in the most efficient way. To do this, we very much want to be able to connect to the unified SYSTEM of the EU through the Motherland-Turkey. Thus, we strive to make the most efficient use of solar energy both in our country and in cooperation with the Greek Cypriot side. As you remember, on July 1, 2022, we had a proposal to the Greek Cypriot leadership through the UN Secretary-General.

We attach great importance to cooperation that will benefit the island of Cyprus and our region. The step taken today in terms of the efficient use of solar energy is promising in the future. Our goal is to continue this useful cooperation."