Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Tourism, Culture, Youth and Environment Fikri Ataoglu visited the ancient harbor of Kyrenia and spoke about the ongoing work.  Ataoğlu said that they had been meeting with interested parties for a long time, discussing the project of the ancient port of Kyrenia. The project was carefully planned with the participation  of the Municipality of Kyrenia, traders, restaurant owners, yachtsmen, fishermen and many others. The harbor will be put into operation in early June, Ataoglu  said that the port, which everyone dreams of, will bring tourism to the country. "The historic stone platform will also be preserved" The teams of the Department of Antiquities drew attention to the historic stone floor in front of Cafe 34 during the preparation of the project and the work carried out, the glazing of this area was included in the project. Ataoğlu said a small portion of the locomotive's rails, which are believed to date back to the British period, were discovered during work in the last spot.

Under the rails, a well 1.5 meters deep and a channel for draining water were also found. Ataoğlu announced that it had been decided to enclose the discovered historical sites with light glass and make them a tourist attraction. After the completion of the project, the ancient port of Kyrenia will be managed by a committee that will include all segments from the ministry to the local government, from boat owners to business owners. After the completion of the four stages in the port, work will begin on the coordination of the project for the nooks and crannies.  Ataoglu expressed satisfaction with the fact that the municipality of Kyrenia is working smoothly and cooperation will continue in the coming period. Return to the list Share with friends